Just Another Day Minus A Bull

Big puffy clouds cast shadows across the sun’s warmth. A perfect “just another day’. There were only 12 pigeons and I at the swimming pool this morning. It was quiet. Most of the guests go on tours in the morning before the afternoon humidity becomes uncomfortable. Just me and the pigeons hanging out!
Cattle thrives on this island and is grass fed. The restaurants all serve amazing tender steaks. You can cut them with a fork and they cost less than that Burger King combo at home. While they call the dinner plate of steak “Filet Mignon” it is not a small round morsel. It is the size of a nice size Porterhouse or New York steak but no bone.
This afternoon I rode the .30 cent bus downtown and wandered around until it just got too hot ! There are numerous plaza’s and parks with benches and shady trees but every shady spot was filled. So while the traditional bullfight that takes place on the streets, was on my to do list.....some adjustments have been made.
Terceira has preserved the “Bullfighting on a Rope” tradition that goes back to the 16th Century. In Portuguese it is called “Touradas a Corda”. As much as I would like to see one in person I have decided not to. Even though they take place after 6:00 pm. It is still hot. There is little shade and few places to sit along the street. With my hip/leg being troublesome I cannot stand very long nor climb many stairs. I also do not tolerate the heat. So I have been watching them on U-Tube as people share their videos.
The event begins with a cannon or rocket being fired. The bull’s long horns are padded and it is let loose on the street. The movements of the bull are partially controlled by a rope on each side, held by a group of strong men. The men on the rope try to slow the momentum while still giving the bull a little freedom to liven up the show. At times they are dragged along by the powerful bull as it goes after the young men leaping in front.

The brave young men challenge the bull with an open umbrella. It is sometimes red . They make bull sounds and jump towards the bull trying to get it to charge them. When the bull does they will try to reach out and touch it’s padded horns before turning away and jumping over a wall out of harms way. The young ladies watching cheer as their favorite fellow displays his courage. You always know when the bull has been released because of the cannon fire or rocket signal. Then when the fight is over fthey shoot the cannon or rocket again. This is done multiple times before the event is over. I’m not sure how people keep track of whether it is the beginning or the ending....but they do not seem confused about it at all. The bull is never hurt although sometimes the young men or spectators are injured. Not neces sarily gored by padded horns but break a leg jumping over a wall.
This month there are over 200 of these bullfights that take place all over the island. Often several a day. Believe me it’s a really big deal here! Along the street where the event is held are food carts which not only provide food but beverages which help keep the party going. Between the entertaining bullfights people begin to party. The after party continues until early morning and is called "the fifth bull"....if you not injured by the other ones you need to look out for that one!
The bulls used in these events are bred in the central valley of this island. Highly intelligent, strong and aggressive. They come from a long line of champions and when they trot down the street or into an arena they move with strength and confidence, Their coats shiny and groomed. Muscular, alert, formidable and cunning. They often treat the young men who confront them with an immediate hostility. Things happen quickly. The crowds watching erupt with cheers and clapping . The efforts of both the bull and the young men are appreciated, The crowd knows a good fight when they see it. These events are held every day somewhere in Terceira from May through September.
Even the .30 cent bus ride back to the hotel was filled with melting people. This will end todays adventures because next on my list is a nap in my nicely air conditioned room. Tomorrow is my last day here so I hope to start early and get a few more photos while it is cool outside. Perhaps there will be one more adventure waiting.....I hope to find some family significant landmarks.......enjoy your evening. Hugs to all


  1. You take care, sorry to hear about your hip and leg take care. Hugs back at you


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