We search for Alamo Oliveira !


The quest began this morning with a challenging hike up possibly the steepest longest street on this island. We had to stop multiple times to try and catch our breath. How did this ordeal begin? 

It began with asking directions at the hotel.....A famous author by the name of Alamo Oliveira was born on this island. He has been recognized by the University of Berkely,  universities  in Portugal and his works translated into multiple languages. He writes poetry and short stories and I wanted a copy of something he wrote in English. Before this trip we did not know he even existed. 

In retrospect, we now realize the hotel was giving us directions to the bookstore across the street and just around the corner. But since we were not sure they really understood our destination we relied on the local map. The hotel warned us that on Saturday the shop closes at noon..So off we went, but not to their destination.

We headed for the library . Up the incredibly steep hill and then around and around the massive building. A beautiful old building which is attached to an ugly new building which houses their massive inventory.

There are six entrances to the building. We know for sure because we counted them as we tried each door. There was one behind a locked gate we did not attempt because we could see a large old lock on that particular door. I was not sure you would be able to leap over the fence. In frustration I asked a lady walking by if she knew which door would allow access to the library. There are no signs. She walked us around to the front where there are three massive doors and commented. "Oh, No sign. Oh, all locked. Oh, they must have decided to close this Saturday. So sorry." And then she quietly walked away having done all she could to help. 

So we walked down the steep hill back to the shop the hotel tried to give us directions to. They had a large collection of Oliveria"s books. He has written 33 volume's,a mixture of poetry, fiction and history. Every single one was in Portuguese, of course.....how foolish of us to expect otherwise. It after all is a Portuguese country with the majority of tourists coming from mainland Portugal. So a life altering decision was made at that very moment. I bought a children's book of Portuguese grammar and two of Alamo Oliveira's books. It is time to get serious about learning the lauguage. 

Perhaps a bit of suffering is necessary to appreciate the journey.


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