Adventures for .30 cent or Less !

“Does this bus go to the downtown area?” “Yes”
“Does this bus go to the port?”

“Does it come back here or do I have to change to another bus?” Yes and No.
“How much does it cost to ride it anywhere?”
.30 cents

“Is it air-conditioned?”
( This one is the tricky question. Sometimes this means you can open the windows, sometimes it means the vehicle has a/c but it may not cool the area in the very back, sometimes it means it has a/c but isn’t turned on because everyone else is used to the heat and humidity and is just fine, except for you. And sometimes it really does work well...the deal is you only find out after you board the bus.! What did you expect for .30 cents? )

I already knew a taxi would be $22. to get downtown .It’s to far to walk from my hotel. The bus might take longer but I can get off anywhere I want and back on the next one. It can be ridden completely around the main part of the island and remains only .30 cents. So let the games begin, roll the dice and we will see if they land on A/C or Yahtzee!

Today I will keep an eye open for adventure while searching for: an ATM, A supermarket and a pastry shop! Those should be easy to find. Plus we will also note the location of several technical stop sites. Incase there is a need for one. (A technical stop is a bathroom that is easily accessible to older ladies.) I am well prepared for this scavenger hunt. I have my small water bottle and my cane.

This morning the hotel’s complimentary breakfast buffet was distracting. In addition to the usual scrambled fresh eggs, just squeezed orange juice, and local melons......there were Azorean cheeses, fresh baked rolls and delicious jams. It required a second visit so it was after 10 am before I was ready to head to the bus stop. Already the day was hot and the short walk to the mini bus stop would be uncomfortable. I stopped at the front desk to check directions to the bus stop.

“Just around the corner and down the stairs to the street below. There you will see a small sign with EWR on it, that is the stop for the mini bus. Please be careful”, the girl said with a smile when she noticed my cane.
“Obrigada” (Thank you) I replied.

Then about the time I reached the front door she said:
“Oh, This is Saturday....the bus will stop running at noon and start again on Monday.”

Now faced with a difficult decision, I am forced to decide between a nap, the swimming pool or a $22. Taxi ride. None of the reasons I had for going down town are critical, they can all wait until Monday,,,,so I headed for the pool in preparation for the nap.

Perhaps the adventure today is learning to relax and just savor the quiet moments. I was the only one in the pool when I arrived. The water was cool and while I floated and swam....some birds flew down to the edge of the water for a cool sip. They sit staring at the large floating object. I think they were fascinated that anything that big could float that long. Or maybe my flowered top confused them. All those red, blue and orange flowers bobbing on top of the water.

At the pool I learned several things.

  1. I can no longer gracefully get out of a poolside lounge chair. It is too low and my center of gravity does not adapt well. I was just glad no one was around to witness the flailing about

  2. If you listen to the ocean and sit still in a plastic chair you can fall asleep sitting up.

  3. If you are sitting up when you fall asleep in that chair you can also fall out of it easily.

Not admitting anything here.....just saying it is possible.

This hotel is built on several levels on the ocean side of a hill. When standing on the deck by the pool you can look down at the public beach below. It is in a small cove and has concrete ramps with handrails that lead gently into the sea. The water is filled with people swimming and splashing. Today is Saturday and many families are there with picnic lunches, umbrellas and lots of children. The sound of the ocean mixed with the laugher of children is how I will remember this place. I watched the activity below for a long time. Of all the people on the beach or concrete ramp I only saw two distracted by a cell phone. People were chatting, swimming, playing with their children and doing so disconnected from electronic tentacles. They were actually talking directly to each other . The social arts and especially conversation are alive and well in this part of the world. You will see the same activity at breakfast and dinner. No cell phones on the table though I know they have them because I see them taking photos with them. The people with the cell phones in sight are the non-Portuguese tourists. It is worth flying for two days just to be around people who actually talk to each other at dinner.

The other unique thing about the Azores is the water. The islands are actually the very top of large volcanoes most of which are under water. You can drink the water here safely because it is volcanic water. Well , originally rain water. The calderas ( the center of a volcano) fills with rain water and it filters down through volcanic soil into rivers and streams. All the water on the islands comes from these huge calderas. When you shower your skin feels soft and clean. When you shampoo your hair if you use more than a teaspoon of shampoo it will take most of your vacation to rinse it out. The pool I swam in today was pure volcanic rain water.

There are other advantages to living on the top of a volcano. Amazing things grow in the rich soil and these islands serve what they grown in the restaurants. It does not come from somewhere else. This town, Agra Do Heroismo, is the oldest town in all the Azores. If you listen you can hear the echos of pirates, Spanish Conquistadors, and old whalers. History walks these streets and tomorrow I hope to walk them too....even if it costs more than .30 cents.


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