Good Morning...Breakfast began with laughter...When I left the buffet in search of the W/C (water closet = bathroom) this is what I found hanging on the entrance to the bathrooms... AND this is what was on the wall behind my particular cubicle. ( the girl with the clothes [in in her nose) Have you ever tried to pee while laughing? An acquired skill I have yet to master.

Then down to the outdoor pool for a quick dip before heading to the town of Velas to visit the Artist Handicraft Shop, The pool photo is here because I want you to be aware it is not for the faint of heart or seniors. No hand rail and no ramp. I took a long long look at how enticing the water was.

“May be I could just jump in and don’t need a ramp. If I did that someone could pull me out later.”, I thought.

Looking around at all the empty chairs poolside it might be a very long time before that someone actually showed up. If I stay in the water too long I wrinkle and coming out of the pool looking like an elephant wasn’t an attractive thought. I remembered my dear friend “Velta” and how suddenly her life changed after she fell and broke her hip. I could almost hear her voice saying:

“Kathy, Don’t do it! It’s not worth the risk. Plus, those wrinkles might be permanent !” (She has seen me fall on my face several times over the years so is well aware of my limited skills.) I get his mental image of Dumbo wearing lipstick but without the big ears. That could be me, probably better not risk it.

This resort, called “Buganvilias” is lovely but not Senior friendly. There are 20 metal steps up to my room. Most of the path from the office where I registered to my room is black sand. So that means you have to carry your luggage not roll it. The young lady at reception, “Gabriella” came to my rescue. However the greatest challenge is the bathroom. It had an enormous jacuzzi tub. After my knee replacements it is impossible for me to get in and out of a tub without assistance. The shower was lovely but the floor was slick tile and no grab rails. I did everything in slow motion. So if you decide to visit bring a strong helpful friend. The view is amazing and I am glad I got to spend a night here. The other units are on ground level and perhaps have more suitable bathrooms. I don’t know because this was the last available room.

And Good Afternoon:

Today included another travel lesson. I had to learn how to brush my teeth with my thumb and comb my hair with my fingers. I will be so happy to renew my friendship with my toothbrush and comb when I get back to my hotel in Terceira, Since it was a little windy on Sao Jorge today, and I only know the taxi driver, I figured no one would notice my hair....I will just look like all the other wind blown tourists .

The kindly taxi driver, Antonio, made a couple of stops on the way the the airport so I could get some nice views of “Velas”, he didn’t want me to forget what I was leaving. He is so convinced I will be back again He gave me a farewell hug and said “See you next visit, Kathleen”! He may be right. Now I need to board my flight...Bon Noite


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