Riding the .30 cent bus was not as easy as yesterday. Some of you will know what I mean when I say “it is possible to just roll over in bed in your sleep and hurt yourself”. Don’t ask me how, it just is! So I am moving a little slower because my leg/hip hurts.. Today, I needed to find a “farmacia” (pharmacy) .

The quest to the “farmacia” sparked an adventure of sorts. When I limped off the bus with my cane. I knew it had to be within a couple of blocks of the stop but after looking I could not find it. So I asked a couple of Portuguese ladies walking by if they could direct me to it’s location. Neither spoke English so they stopped another lady who joined our little group. She spoke a bit of English so understood what I was looking for. But now all three ladies looked concerned as if I might be ill and need assistance.

The third lady understood where it was but did not know enough English to give directions so there was a lot of pointing going on. So the three ladies marched me to the nearest corner and pointed across the street to an open doorway which had no sign above the door. “Farmacia !” They smiled and said.

And that was not the end of the adventure,,,,about 45 minutes later I was on the other side of the street, way across the plaza, waiting for the .30 cent bus. Amazed I watched as one of the previous ladies walked over to where I was standing and politely inquired if I had found the “Farmacia”.....”Esra faltando alguma coisa?” (Are you lacking anything?) Did I need anything else. I tell you all this so you know there are some places where American’s can go and are not treated as strangers. Here within a few minutes you are almost family.



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